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Our quarterly newsletter, which has been accompanying you with timely insights and updates on the world of finance for several editions, has evolved and taken the name Ideae². In this new edition, you will find the usual market analyses and reflections on emerging topics, podcasts, and insights that can positively impact your financial choices. The content is in Italian.


Disclaimer: Ideae is not an offer of a service or the solicitation of a product. The information contained herein should not be considered in isolation for the purpose of making an investment decision. This material is intended for personal use only and should not be distributed to any other person without our permission. The Company is not responsible for the correctness, completeness or accuracy of the information and data contained herein.


Not Your Ordinary Coffee Break

A section dedicated to our morning collection of financial news, impressions and insights that aims to propose an alternative reading on some elements that, arbitrarily, have intrigued us. The content is in english.


Disclaimer: NYoC does not consist of the offer of a service or the solicitation of a product. The information contained herein should not be considered in isolation for the purpose of making an investment decision. This material is intended for personal use only and should not be distributed to other persons without our permission. The information within the document is the exclusive property of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its disclosure should be considered for informational purposes only. The Company is not responsible for the correctness, completeness or accuracy of the information and data provided.



Welcome to our new series, where we transform curated articles into podcasts with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Our goal? To deliver high-quality content while showing that AI isn’t just a tool for lazy moments but a powerful resource for creating value. Currently, the podcasts are available in English only, but it’s likely just a matter of time before more languages are added.


Disclaimer: Fabulæ is not about offering a service or promoting a product. The information contained in this document should not be considered in isolation when making investment decisions. This material is intended for personal use only and must not be shared with others without our permission. The company does not take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information and data provided. All podcasts are created using NotebookLM (Google NotebookLM | Note Taking & Research Assistant Powered by AI).



Our quarterly newsletter dedicated to scenarios, articles, analyses, industry trends and curiosities from the financial world designed in collaboration with our readers. Indeed, they are the ones that, through a survey, define their favorite topics that will be covered in the next Ideæ. The content is in Italian.


Disclaimer: Ideae is not an offer of a service or the solicitation of a product. The information contained herein should not be considered in isolation for the purpose of making an investment decision. This material is intended for personal use only and should not be distributed to any other person without our permission. The Company is not responsible for the correctness, completeness or accuracy of the information and data contained herein.

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